Grade inflation drives CAO points to record highs for many college courses

CAO points for entry into many college courses have jumped to a record high, with some students failing to get into courses despite securing more than 600 points.

About 20 college courses across Trinity, UCC, UCD and DCU have broken the 600-point mark. This up from seven last year, and just one the year before.

At least four courses â€" management science at UCC, economic and finance at UCD and dental science and management science at Trinity â€" have reached the maximum points threshold of 625 points.

However, almost all these 600 point-plus courses are on random selection. This means students are not guaranteed a place.

The development has prompted higher education sources to label the development as “unfair” and “cruel” to many of this year’s candidates.

At Trinity, eight courses have climbed above the 600-point mark. They include management science and information systems (625 points), dental science (625, +12 points); pharmacy (613, +23 points); global business (613, +24 points); philosophy, political science, economics and sociology (613, +24 points); law and French (602, +37 points); psychology (601, +34 points); human health and disease (601, +36 points). Medicine is also up by 8 points at 743 (including Hpat score).

At UCD, five courses broke the 600-point mark. They include actuarial and financial studies, veterinary medicine, physiotherapy, biomedical, health & life sciences. Economics and finance is the highest point degree at 625.

Overall, points are estimated to be up across almost two-thirds of honours degree or level eight courses this year.

Overall, there were a record 84,874 college applications this year, up from just over 78,000 last year.

The CAO has today issued round one college offers to just over 55,000 applicants.

A total of 50 per cent of college offers at honours degree level (level eight) are for applicants’ first preference choices, while 79 per cent are for one of their top-three preferences.

CAO applicants can check to see if they have received an offer by logging in to their account using the ‘my application’ facility at from 2pm today.

Successful applicants will also receive an offer notification via email and a text message if they have selected this option.

Offers must be accepted by 3pm on Monday, September 13th.

Round two offers will be available to view on the CAO website from 10am on September 20th.

The reply date by which Round Two Offers must be accepted is September 22nd at 3pm. Offers are then issued on a weekly basis to fill any remaining places.

Eileen Keleghan, the CAO’s communications officer, has asked applicants to carefully consider any offers received in this round.

“One of the common queries that we receive at the offers stage is around order of preference. Applicants who receive a lower preference offer can accept this offer and it will not prevent them from receiving an offer of a course higher up on their courses list in a later round should a place become available and they are deemed eligible,” she said.

“Those who have received an offer in this round should also consider the current offer carefully as it may be the only one they will receive.”

If an applicant has not received an offer they will receive a “statement of application” email.

Ms Keleghan said ot is important that applicants notify CAO immediately if there are any errors or omissions in their CAO account.

“They must make sure to do this as soon as possible to allow any corrections to be considered for subsequent rounds,” she said.

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The Irish Times results helpdesk (, staffed by guidance counsellors Brian Howard and Deirdre Garrett, is on hand to answer any questions you have about your results and college or further education applications.

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