Mike Lindell MyPillow CEO predicts Biden and Harris may resign over latest election claims

MyPillow CEO Michael J. Lindell said Monday that he thinks President Biden might resign next month when the pro-Trump bedding magnate reveals his latest purported evidence of alleged election interference.

Mr. Lindell, who denies the results of the 2020 election, falsely added that former President Trump will be reinstated if both Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris resign as he predicts may happen.

Speaking to Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump‘s former strategist, Mr. Lindell described the hypothetical dual resignations as one of several “pathways” for the former president to reenter the White House.

Mr. Lindell claimed such a process could be triggered when he reveals his latest findings on the election at a so-called “cyber symposium” he is scheduled to hold in South Dakota on Aug. 10, 11 and 12.

“Once we have the symposium, by the night of the 12th or the morning of the 13th, if everyone has seen it, including the administration that’s in there now that didn’t win, maybe, you know, Biden and Harris would say, ‘Hey, we’re here to protect the country and resign!’” Mr. Lindell said to Mr. Bannon on “WarRoom: Pandemic,” an internet program hosted by the former Trump adviser.

“I’m serious!” Mr. Lindell added.

Mr. Trump would not become president if both Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris resign, however. Constitutionally, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, is third in line for the White House.

Mr. Lindell, 60, has spread numerous baseless conspiracy theories about the election since it ended, including of late assertions of an alleged Chinese cyberattack he said will be revealed at the symposium.

Speaking to Mr. Bannon earlier in the show, Mr. Lindell reiterated his claim that Mr. Biden will be removed from office by the U.S. Supreme Court, provided the president does not resign instead, of course.

“When we get through this and then the Supreme Court pulls down this election like I’ve been telling everybody, when they do this it’s going to be a great uniting and that gives me hope,” said Mr. Lindell.

Mr. Biden defeated Mr. Trump in the general election as major polling had predicted, although the former president and some of his allies still refuse to accept he was legitimately beaten by the Democrat.

“[Trump] won in a landslide,” Mr. Bannon falsely claimed on his show. “And that ain’t owning the libs. That’s just going to be a matter of fact. There’s no way that Joe Biden won this thing.”

Federal election and security officials in both the Trump and Biden administrations have said they found no evidence of any widespread fraud that could have somehow changed the outcome of the 2020 race.

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